As a whole massage therapy is used to help manage a multitude of health conditions and enhance overall wellness by using different pressures, movements and techniques to manipulate muscles and other soft tissues in the body and is specifically tailored to each clients needs.
Research shows that prenatal massage can help reduce stress, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pain, improve labor outcomes, and can also help regulate hormone levels, help blood circulation, and reduce swelling.
People have used cupping for thousands of years to ease back pain, neck pain, headaches and other problems. Adding cupping to your massage session increases blood flow to specific areas and can help relieve muscle tension and promote cell repair.
Allows you to enter deeper into a state of relaxation as the therapist works to relieve muscle pain and tension. The heat within the rocks relaxes the muscles, making them more pliable.
A type of massage performed with liquid nitrogen or “cryo care” products. As a cryotherapy technique, cryomassage is said to reactivate the immune system, mobilize the endocrine system and neurohumoral system, improve health, and help to fight stress and fatigue.